So far, I’ve travelled all around Europe. While fun, I really wanted to see more of Denmark than just Copenhagen and its suburbs. Luckily I got the chance to do just that and had one of the best weekends of my time abroad. Specifically, I really wanted to make a trip to Jutland which is … Continue reading LEGO to Jutland!
You’re the CurryWORST
I know that this blog is slowly chugging along and I am still way far behind. I have just come to accept that this is who I am as a person: terrible about self-imposed deadlines yet still mostly committed to finishing a project. With that being said, please enjoy this incredible retelling of my fall … Continue reading You’re the CurryWORST
Guess Who’s Back, Back Again?
Hello friends! I realize that it has literally been over a year since my last update (oops) but here I am, bringing this blog back from the dead. Given the pandemic situation I now find myself with so much free time so this is one way to fill it. Here is a non-exhaustive list of … Continue reading Guess Who’s Back, Back Again?
She Belongs in a Museum
Despite what my last two posts might suggest, I have not been off gallivanting around Europe this whole time. I have been living a relatively normal day-to-day life, going to class and procrastinating on readings. This doesn’t mean that I haven’t also been adventuring (seriously I feel like every trip to the grocery store is … Continue reading She Belongs in a Museum
Allez, Allez, Allez!
Two very short days after my most spontaneous trip to London, I traveled yet again. This time, I was headed on my most preplanned vacation. Way back in the spring, before my time in Copenhagen was even confirmed, I signed up to run the Disneyland Paris Half Marathon (and 10k the day before). I’ve run … Continue reading Allez, Allez, Allez!
That Time I Traveled All the Way to London Just to See a Musical
I had originally planned to write about my London trip three weeks ago, soon after it happened. Unfortunately, I was only home in Copenhagen for like two days before I flew to Paris and I ended up getting a journal assignment that was due that weekend. Plus, I attended the dinner the exchange committee at … Continue reading That Time I Traveled All the Way to London Just to See a Musical
I Promise I’m Here to Learn Things
I know it’s been forever and a day since my last post. School started and the ennui soon followed. I have pretty much spent the last two weeks reading for class, going to class, and trying to figure out how to best work my schedule around class. Oh, and I was sick for a few … Continue reading I Promise I’m Here to Learn Things
When you last heard from me, I was getting ready to start my law school orientation. I was happy and carefree, although a bit exhausted. Now, after a week of orientation, I am back into school mode and dealing with the anxieties that accompany it. I didn’t think that I would be worried about starting … Continue reading Orientate/Matriculate
I Should’ve Taken My Own Advice
Remember my last post where I talked about how great it was to take it easy and not burn yourself out? Well, I just walked over 26 miles in less than 72 hours and all I really have to show for it is a blister the size of a small grape. There were a few … Continue reading I Should’ve Taken My Own Advice
In Defense of a Lazy Weekend
I have been living in Copenhagen for about a week now. You would think that my social media would be alight with photos bragging about how much fun I’m having. I should be making you jealous of my new life across the Atlantic. But the truth is, I haven’t really done anything Insta-worthy. This isn’t … Continue reading In Defense of a Lazy Weekend